2 bulan lagi tu ..
JANGAN percaya dlu,
akan tetapi...
Kiamat menurut Agama Islam
- Kemunculan Imam Mahdi
- Kemunculan Dajjal
- Keturunan Hazrat Isa (AS)
- Kemunculan Yajooj n Majooj
- Terbitnya matahari dari Barat ke Timur
- Pintu pengampunan akan ditutup
- Dab'bat al-Ard akan keluar dari tanah & akan menandai muslim yang sebenar2nya
- Kabut selama 40 Hari akan mematikan semua orang beriman sejati shg mereka tidak perlu mengalami tanda2 kiamat lainnya
- Sebuah kebakaran besar akan menyebabkan kerusakan,
- Pemusnahan Kabah,
- Tulisan dalam Al-Quran akan lenyap,
- Sangkakala akan ditiup pertama kalinya binatang2 & org2 kafir yang tersisa akan mati, semua gunung & bangunan akan runtuh
- Tiupan sangkakala yang kedua kalinya akan membangkitkan semua ciptaan Allah & bertemu di dataran Arafah menuju saat penghakiman mereka.. Dan Matahari akan mendekatkan dirinya ke bumi
Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW telah bersabda:
"Barang siapa yg mengingatkan ini kepada orang lain, akan Ku buatkan tempat di syurga baginya pada hari penghakiman kelak"
Kita bisa kirim ribuan msj mesra, tapi bila kirim yang berkaitan dengan ibadah musti berpikir 2x.
Allah berfirman : "jika engkau lebih mengejar duniawi daripada mengejar dekat denganKu maka Aku berikan, tapi Aku akan menjauhkan kalian dari surgaKu"
Dan apakah masih berpikir 2x untuk menyebarkan msj ini??!
Selamat Beramal
Judgement remember 2012?
Posted 2 months ..
Do not believe Do not want,
But ...
Judgement in accordance with Islamic
- The emergence of the Mahdi
- The emergence of the Antichrist
- Sons of Hazrat Isa (AS)
- The emergence Yajooj n Majooj
- Rising of the sun from West to East
- The door of forgiveness will be closed
- Dab'bat al-Ard will come out of the ground & will mark Muslimsebenar2nya
- Fog for 40 days will turn off all their SHG true believers do not have to suffer another Judgement tanda2
- A major fire would cause damage,
- The destruction of the Ka'ba,
- The writing in the Quran will vanish,
- Trumpet will be blown for the first time binatang2 & org2disbelieve the remaining will die, all the mountains & the buildingwill collapse
- Blowing the horn a second time will raise all of God's creation &meet on the plains of Arafat to time their judgments .. And the Sunwould have put him to the ground
Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
"Whoever this memorial to someone else, I will make a place in heaven for him on the day of judgment soon"
We can send thousands of msgs friendly, but if I send in connection with the worship musti think 2x.
Allah said: "If thou more mundane pursuit of close pursuit with Me, then I give, but I will keep you from surgaKu"
And what still think 2x to spread this msgs??!
Good Charity
Posted 2 months ..
Do not believe Do not want,
But ...
Judgement in accordance with Islamic
- The emergence of the Mahdi
- The emergence of the Antichrist
- Sons of Hazrat Isa (AS)
- The emergence Yajooj n Majooj
- Rising of the sun from West to East
- The door of forgiveness will be closed
- Dab'bat al-Ard will come out of the ground & will mark Muslimsebenar2nya
- Fog for 40 days will turn off all their SHG true believers do not have to suffer another Judgement tanda2
- A major fire would cause damage,
- The destruction of the Ka'ba,
- The writing in the Quran will vanish,
- Trumpet will be blown for the first time binatang2 & org2disbelieve the remaining will die, all the mountains & the buildingwill collapse
- Blowing the horn a second time will raise all of God's creation &meet on the plains of Arafat to time their judgments .. And the Sunwould have put him to the ground
Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
"Whoever this memorial to someone else, I will make a place in heaven for him on the day of judgment soon"
We can send thousands of msgs friendly, but if I send in connection with the worship musti think 2x.
Allah said: "If thou more mundane pursuit of close pursuit with Me, then I give, but I will keep you from surgaKu"
And what still think 2x to spread this msgs??!
Good Charity
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